Saturday, July 21, 2007

Day Thirty-Two Sets in the West; 34 Rising in the East

What a beautiful day! The weather was breezy and sunny, but not stifling, so Lynnette and I had a nice training walk. Or maybe it's just because we only had to do ten miles!! It's funny how short and easy ten miles seems when we did 17/14 last week. Of course, we are refusing to even think about next week's mileage!!

The rest of today was equally lovely. I sat in the sun room, and enjoyed the weather. Later in the afternoon, Steve and I played golf - round #7!!

It's been a quiet day. Nothing exciting, nothing out of the ordinary - just a pleasant, peaceful day. I can't even make any kind of judgement on it - it just needs to sit where it is - a day just to enjoy.

Tomorrow I go on my "retreat". There are moments I question why I am doing it, but I know it is important. My plan is to enjoy nature and write. We'll see how that pans out. Tomorrow is also the half-way point in this project. Although I've not completed half of my goals, I can see progress. I am confident that the second half will be as intriguing as the first (for me, anyway).

Today I just "let it slide." Some days are made for this - just to let everything relax. Days like this are definitely good days.

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