Monday, July 23, 2007

Day Thirty-Four Slides Down; 32 Climbing up the Ladder

Today I feel like a writer. I can understand why Thoreau extolled the virtues of Walden - there's nothing like the woods for great inspiration. A few examples of my "Walden":

The view from my balcony

Bambi stopped by to say hello

Today has been a great day for writing. As of this blog moment, I have completed fifteen stories for "Toast" and seven for "Flu". I have great hopes for tomorrow. I also plan to actually get out and hike a trail or two, as today it rained for much of the day.

Today has really been the first day that I have focused on my goal of writing. It has been very rewarding to devote time strictly to this goal. I realize that I have been trying to fit writing in here and there during my spare moments. If I am serious about writing, I have to spend time each day dedicated solely to this pursuit.

I am now in the "diminishing days" portion of this project. I have fewer days left than I have already used. I could easily obsess over whether I will be able to complete all my goals in the time I have left. But I refuse to focus solely on the time left, choosing instead to spend my mental and emotional energy working on completion of my goals.

I have a lot of work left to do. I have jogging to speed up, golf rounds to play, stories to write, food urgings to resist, and pounds and a clothes size to lose. All I can do is earnestly work towards those targets with the intention of achieving them all.

God has given me the tools I need to reach these objectives. He has proven that He is with me every step of the way. Maybe that's part of this process - to realize that I cannot do it all on my own, but with God's help, I can do anything. Knowing that, no number of days left can sway my determination to succeed.

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