Saturday, July 28, 2007

Day Thirty-Nine Winds Down; 27 Winding Up

Whew - we did it. Lynnette and I walked from here to there and back - a total of 18 miles. We had a few stops along the way for food and water and to chat with two Atlanta 3-Day walkers, but we met today's training goal. Today's forecast was for rain, so Lynnette carried the ponchos, which insured that it did not rain. The sun managed to stay behind the clouds, except for the four miles back up Broadway, part of which we had to walk in the street. Nevertheless, thanks to Molly and her iced washcloths, we managed to finish. Tomorrow is supposed to be 15 miles, but we are on a strictly "we'll see" advisory. We're also hoping for snow, big drifts that will prevent us from getting out.

In other news, I managed to avoid the Cheetos today. This is another step in the right direction as far as food is concerned. Hopefully I will keep moving in that direction!!

As far as anything else happening, there just wasn't. It's hard to get much going when your day is spent sitting on the couch with your legs up on the back of the couch, hoping blood will once again circulate through your legs.

Today was a physically demanding day. I'm tired and my heel aches, but I'm thankful I experienced every part of today. Today was indeed a good day.

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