Thursday, August 2, 2007

Day Forty-Four Faces Forward; 22 Turning Towards Targets

Today I got busy. I completed all 17 tasks on my list. I walked, I Power-Houred at Curves, I voted, I cleaned the house a bit, I cooked poppy-seed bread and mailed it to Maribeth, I talked with Rebekah, I did the laundry, I made a Target run, and I still managed to pack a suitcase for tomorrow. It was very rewarding to be busy and accomplish things.

Keeping busy helped me not think about this big weekend coming up. On Sunday, Steve and I will run the NYC Half Marathon. I am hoping to meet my goal of 2 hours and 30-something minutes. The weather is going to be very warm during the race, but I am still going to push myself. I am a bit apprehensive, but also excited, because I really want to accomplish this.

Today I got many things done. But the best part of today was that I learned something about myself. I learned the importance of my taking a break from this sometimes frenetic pace I set for myself, and truly concentrate on relaxing physically, mentally, and emotionally. I learned how to really let my worries and concerns go, and listen to God speak. I believe God is with me in every step of this project. Today I learned to allow God to refill and refuel me.

There's a lot to do in the next few weeks, but I'm ready. I'm ready because I spent time with my Creator. Today was a great day.

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