Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day Fifty-Eight Says Goodbye to Elvis; 8 Say Thank you, Thank you very much

Today was a busy day. First appointment at 9 am, followed by errands, feeding Missy the Grandcat, picking up Sam and Lynnette at the airport and having lunch with them, a run by Starbucks, a chat with Rebekah, then dinner with Puffy Emily. No walking, no Curves (letting the body rest after yesterday afternoon's activity), no golf, no writing.

So where have my goals gone? One would think at this stage of the game, the eight would be my sole focus. It appears that one would be wrong.

The fact is that for the past several days, I haven't been working on my goals. Today I was busy. Yesterday I was sick. What will I be tomorrow? I don't know - I can just assure myself that the eight aren't missing, nor have I abandoned them.

My goals are still ever present - I have eight days left. One week from tomorrow I will be 50 years old. This will be an interesting week.

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