Thursday, June 21, 2007

Day Two Takes a Turn, 64 Await

Today was another good day. I ate sensibly and walked 8 miles. I made progress towards curbing destructive eating habits by thinking about the reasons I was tempted to eat.

But today was a busy day. I took the dog to the groomer. I flea-bombed my daughter Molly’s house, and changed out her mailbox. I cleaned out the gutters, and completed numerous other errands and tasks.

Somehow, in the middle of all this, I received a surprise. I got a message on my email that a Beth Rudd had a message for me on Face Book. Beth was my best friend from middle school. We even dressed alike on some school days, and wore our hair alike. We dated best friends and brothers. We marched in the band together, and learned to water ski together. We were really good friends, but somehow in the last years of high school, we drifted apart. Hearing from her was a blessing, and made me feel good. So much of my childhood I would rather forget, but remembering our friendship brought up a lot of good memories.

Maybe that’s part of what these sixty-six days are about. Not only seeing if I can make changes, but to notice the changes I have already made. Changes that mean a childhood wanting to be forgotten, can and should be remembered.

Changes that also mean concentrating more on my blessings, as I appreciate what they are. My daughter-in-law, Lynnette, gave me a blessings bowl for Christmas. I have tried to be vigilant about writing my blessings on paper, and putting them in the bowl, but I haven’t been as faithful as I would like. So, I am going to list every day the blessings I received that day.

Today, I am thankful for:

Starbucks, because today after a hot day’s grungy work, I ordered a Orange Mocha Frappachino Light, and it was only 2 points!! Absolutely delectable!

My old friend Beth, who made contact after 20 years of no contact, just to say hello, and the sweet memories that friendship brings.

The birds that delight me when they take a bath in my birdbath.

Squirrels who have finally learned how to use the squirrel feeder.

A phone call and picture from my daughter, Maribeth, who is hiking the AT

Today was a good day. Today I took a moment to see where I’ve been, and I can see where I want to go - for the next sixty-six days at least. Today, it’s all good.

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